Topic {{ topic }}
Academic Level {{ academic_levels[academic_id].name }}
Subject {{ subjects[subject_id].name }}
Type of Paper {{ documents[document_id].name }}
Deadline {{ urgencies[urgency_id].label }}
Pages {{ pages }} Pages ({{ spacing }} Spaced)
Sources {{ sources }} Sources
Charts {{ charts }} Charts
Power Point Slides {{ slides }} Slides
Writer Category {{ writer_categories[writer_category_id].name }}
Paper Format {{ styles[style_id].name }}
Additional Features
{{ instructions }}
{{ pages }} Pages X ${{ getCpp.toFixed(2) }}
{{ total_pages_cost.toFixed(2) }}
{{ charts }} Charts X ${{ cpc.toFixed(2) }}
{{ charts_cost.toFixed(2) }}
{{ slides }} Slides X {{ cps.toFixed(2) }}
{{ slides_cost.toFixed(2) }}
Category of the writer
{{ writer_category_amount.toFixed(2) }}
{{ }}
{{ feature.cost.toFixed(2) }}
Total Cost:
{{ total_cost.toFixed(2) }}
To get {{ discount_amount }} discount on total cost, click on apply button
{{ invalid_message }}
Preferred Writer
Nicholus 1122 completed orders